Posted: September 1st, 2010 | Author: alper | Filed under: Dutchstats | Tags: atlas, CBS, Eclipse, GDAL, GeoJSON, Geotools, mapping, municipal, OGR, Processing, Processing.js, statistics | No Comments »
Dutchstats is a statistical tool to compare election results and other key statistics on the municipal level for the Netherlands. It allows any value that can be mapped to a municipality to be visualized and will be released as an open source framework.

Attention: Open Data Network, VVOJ
Process: “Dutchstats — Your personal Atlas of the Netherlands†and “Dutchstats – Je persoonlijke atlas van Nederlandâ€
Creators: Alper Cugun, Alexander Zeh
Posted: September 1st, 2010 | Author: alper | Filed under: Silence Landscapes | Tags: 3d, art, environment, mapping, Processing, Python, Sketchup, sound, Sunflow, terrain, unlekkerLib | No Comments »
Landscapes in two and three dimensions generated from sound measurements made by artist Sarah van Sonsbeeck for her project Een Dijk van een Kust in the free-range park in Monnickendam.

Process: “Creating an audiogeography from walks through the silence†and “A Landscape Generated From Silenceâ€
Creators: Sarah van Sonsbeeck, Alper Cugun, Kars Alfrink
Posted: September 1st, 2010 | Author: alper | Filed under: Travel Times | Tags: Google Earth, mapping, mechanize, Processing, Python, traffic, transit | No Comments »
A public transportation travel time map for the Netherlands inspired by the mySociety time maps.

A making of video in Dutch of the above work and the data are also available.
A next version by Kars Alfrink juxtaposed the time it takes to travel by car with the time to travel by public transportation see: “The Making of a Travel-Time Map of the Netherlands†and “Download My Travel-Time Mapâ€.

Creators: Alper Cugun, Kars Alfrink