Posted: November 18th, 2010 | Author: alper | Filed under: Events, Talks | Tags: Amsterdam, data, mobile monday, video | No Comments »
Watch Alper give a broad sweeping introduction on the field of data at a recent Mobile Monday Amsterdam:
Posted: November 10th, 2010 | Author: alper | Filed under: Events, Talks | Tags: Amsterdam, data, Esther Gons, illustration, mobile monday, Wilgengebroed | 1 Comment »
“The Rising Tide of Data†was a more pared down, less activist, introductory version of “Civicy Duty in a Hyper-Connected World†presented by Alper and it was well received in a solid program by Mobile Monday Amsterdam on Data.
Esther Gons (also pictured below) does visual representations of complicated concepts and she did this sketch of my presentation:

Click for a bigger view and her take on the event.

Annotated slides and video will be available shortly.
Posted: November 3rd, 2010 | Author: alper | Filed under: Events, Talks | Tags: Amsterdam, data, future, mobile monday, trend | No Comments »
Alper will be giving a brief data-heavy talk titled “The Rising Tide of Data†at Mobile Monday Amsterdam #18. More to follow.
Posted: October 18th, 2010 | Author: alper | Filed under: Events | Tags: Amsterdam, dutch data drinks, mobile monday, social | 2 Comments »
After the first Dutch Data Drinks many people asked about the following edition. We’ve been busy thinking about the next event with a better venue and a light formal program, but we’ve been busy and somewhat pre-empted by our friends from Mobile Monday.
Their 18th edition on November 8th is on our topic: Data. So instead of organizing an event in November, I would like to point all of you towards there. It is a very nice event and like I said there will be data and there will be drinks, ergo: Dutch Data Drinks.
Their RSVP process is somewhat notorious due to the popularity of the event. So stay tuned for their first batch of tickets released on: Monday, October 25th – 12:00. After that there will be another batch and if anybody from this group hasn’t managed to get in by then, we’ll see if we can make other arrangements. But let me emphasize: you should be able to get in via the normal process if you just go to the Meetup page at the given time.
So see you all on the 8th of November!