Upcoming public speaking

Posted: May 17th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Events, Talks | Tags: , , , | No Comments »

The agenda is filling up again just before the summer break. Alper will speak at:

  1. May 24th – Technical review of city dashboard concepts at HvA
    A brief bit of teaching with design and technical critique of city visualization dashboards developed by students.
  2. May 25th – Apps for Amsterdam Awards Night
    Judging and attending the awards for the Amsterdam open data application contest.
  3. May 27th – What Design Can Do
    Presenting an engaged data-centric approach for designers’ benefit (blurb).
  4. Update: May 27th – Participating in an expert meeting on the topic of Cities, Games and Data organized by Virtueel Platform (our entry).
  5. June 6th – Spring Break Stimuleringsfonds voor de Pers
    Going to demo Statlas live for the first time at the congres of the people who funded it.
  6. June 20th – Expertisedag Journalistiek
    Giving an introduction to data journalism to a large amount of journalists.

And Kars & Alper will be attending the Alice Taylor lunch lecture this Thursday in Hilversum. Talk to us at any of these events if you are present.

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